Coultershaw Heritage Site

Learning and Development Officer

Coultershaw Heritage Site, funded by a Heritage Lottery Fund Heritage Grant, carried out refurbishment and redisplay of the water powered beam pump and brought previously derelict buildings on the site back into use. The creation of a new learning and meeting space was a key element of the redevelopment.

As freelance Learning and Development Officer I successfully delivered the learning and participation elements of the project’s activity plan. Working collaboratively with the Trustee responsible for learning, we developed and produced a package of activities for adults, families and schools tailored to the capacity and capabilities of the organisation.

As small organisation, entirely managed and run by volunteers, it was crucial to be realistic. A pragmatic and practical approach was taken when considering the scale and number of activities developed. This was important to ensure continued delivery beyond the end of the project.

Coultershaw Heritage Site now has a volunteer responsible for developing and delivering learning activities.

Evaluation + consultation

You want professional and friendly support to take your project to the next level?

Let’s work together.

t: 07941 100699  e:   |   589 Southleigh Road, Emsworth, Hampshire, PO10 7TE